Strength Testing

Angular velocity based testing.

Ensure standardized strength testing, teach good technique and use angular velocity for key rehab tests.

Strength testing

Strength testing provides valuable numerical data for tracking progress over time. However, inconsistencies in range of motion (ROM) can skew results, making it unclear if strength has truly improved or if the test conditions have changed.

Our strength module allows practitioners to evaluate ROM and strength through angular velocity. 

Strength endurance

Defining the end of a max strength test is challenging. With our Strength Endurance module, set target ROM and angular velocity to objectively mark an acceptable rep. When targets aren't met, the point of failure is identified. Read more.

Alternative to ISO-K for rehab

Leading ACL rehab specialists, including Alan Murdoch, from Elevate Sports, has found that using the A-VBT function on a leg extension gives very similar results to the ISO-K, without the acute overload that the ISO-K has a hazard of imparting.

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