Why Use Velocity-Based Training: The Benefits of VBT

Explore the benefits of Velocity-Based Training and its objective approach to tracking your athletes' performance.
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VBT is multidimensional. It has a number of different applications that sits under its overarching strategy, providing coaches with clear direction in how they could and should implement it. But it is also very flexible, meaning it can mould to different environments, providing a versatile arsenal for practitioners to utilise on a micro and macro scale.

VBT provides us with very objective data. Data we can see, touch, and feel. This is very different to many other tools in this same space, that are often more subjective in nature, meaning it is a feeling that we are using to try and assess intensity of effort and the impact this could and should have to prescriptions, programming, and live training adjustments (i.e., autoregulation).

As previously mentioned, strength levels can vary on a daily basis, particularly in periods of heightened training and/or competition. Human adaptation centres on force production (magnitude, type, rate etc.), and is underpinned by Newton’s 2nd law, where:

Force = Mass x Acceleration

And acceleration is underpinned by:

Acceleration = change in Velocity / change in Time

Furthermore, if we presume mass stays relatively similar over shorter periods of time, then force and velocity become the two most integral constructs in how we react to physical stimuli. We could therefore say that neuromuscular function is under-pinned by these two metrics.

With that being said, it seems most advantageous to try to account for changes in strength and power, which are underpinned by alterations to neuromuscular function, by an objective and quantifiable metric that has a direct link to the way our neuromuscular system works, adapts, and evolves – i.e., velocity!

Now that we've understood what VBT is, which metric to use, and why VBT is the best option moving forwards, let’s start to investigate the different ways we can apply VBT within our practices.

Keep reading more from our new ‘Ultimate User Guide to Velocity-Based Training' with insights from esteemed thought-leaders in the VBT space, including Dr. Steve Thompson, Chris Tombs, Dan Baker, and Nic Gill: Download now!

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