Velocity-Based Training in Practice
Course Segments
- Individual Load-Velocity Profiling for Strength or Power Exercises
- Using Velocity to Improve Training and Coaching
- Understanding how to use VBT
18:55 > 23:32 - Individual Load-Velocity Profiling for Strength or Power Exercises
so now I'm going to show you a few quick ways to develop for an individual a low velocity profile for their key strength power exercises we're not going to do this we'll include ham raises or curls or sit-ups or something like that I'm talking about your key exercises um that where you monitor progress so it could be squat deadlift power cleans bench press uh pull-ups whatever for you in your programs at TX ice we might want to do this and I'm going to show you a few different ways some take a bit more time than others easiest way to do it is on the day you do 1rm testing just measure those resistances so here's an athlete who's a surfing based athlete so pull-ups are big predictor of your paddling speed in um surfing paddling and kayaking and in Sprint swimming freestyle so your one RN pull up rather than how many reps you can do to failure is irrelevant for those sports but your velocity and your 1rm are important so this athlete we did two reps with body weight two reps of plus ten then just one record plus 20 plus 30 plus 40 plus 45. now we don't know what percentages they are until we finish the test and we say okay well 75k plus 45k extra on the Belt gives us 120k therefore the 75k body weight represents 62 of that score okay this weight here plus 30 represents that percentage and so on but now we get a score of all these training weights they might use so we know that they come in with plus 20 his best rep or her best rep should be about 0.59 simple if they're getting more than 0.59 by a certain amount they're stronger if they get less well maybe uh you know swimming training they've had a big volume in the pool and instead of getting 0.59 with 20K they're getting 0.5 okay they're a bit fatigued they're a bit weaker due to fatigue I better back those weights off a certain amount the good thing here is you know I don't have to test every resistance I want to know what plus 15 is is halfway between these two scores so about 0.66 I'm sorry everyone uh I'm in Indonesia so uh developing world country doesn't have the same um strength of Internet okay uh what if you want to use velocity-based training uh next week is how we might develop a low velocity profile just within a training session grab a weight that is roughly 70 or a 12 RM somewhere around that do one or two reps grab a weight that's maybe an 8 RM or or a roughly eighty percent do one or two reps obviously gonna have a two or three minute rest then got them 90 or a four hour Ram something like that do one rep so this is not really fatiguing this is fairly simple then just go back to a weight that's halfway between this one and that one and max out now it doesn't matter if you get five six or seven just max out so in this case the first rep 0.43 the last rep we do will be your 1rm velocity so or it's your max effort velocity now we know what it is so by doing this process I know it's seven years for the best rep I know what 80 is 80 I know what 85 is I know it 90 is I know at 100 is therefore I can extrapolate what 95 will be I can extrapolate what 75 will be so just within four sets with only one set taken a max out I've got that low velocity profile it takes about eight minutes it's done in a normal session that's a real simple method the other method is just basically click data as you're going along so here's an athlete across six or eight weeks um they actually finish with a 1rm but you can see here when they're doing uh one RM two RN three arms four RMS during the training cycle they're always getting so we know what their 1rm first rep is which is only one rep when we're doing a tour around this their first rep that's the second rep when they're doing a 3rm that's their first rep that's the third rep when they're doing four ohm that's their first rep that's their fourth rep and so forth here they're not at Max effort so it's rpe9 and rpe8 so we know at rpe 8 and rpe 9 velocities are and we just collected this data across training we didn't have to do anything special so we've got three different ways then of getting a load velocity profile once we have that load velocity profile then it's just basically up to our training how do we want to train
23:33 - Using Velocity to Improve Training and Coaching
So I'm going to go through these things now aligning velocity scores to one RM etc etc but just before we do just I wanna how to I mean I we're gonna know a few basic things you know about how to uh how loads Etc effective
About the speaker

Dr. Baker's impressive credentials, including his former presidency of the Australian Strength & Conditioning Association and his extensive three-decade experience working with elite sporting organizations worldwide, have solidified his reputation as a true leader in the field. With a PhD in Sports Science and a deep understanding of testing and training, Dr. Baker expertly combines scientific knowledge with practical expertise to provide a comprehensive learning experience on velocity-based training.